Bring Dinosaurs to life in the classroom!

Looking for a relevant Dinosaur Workshop for Nursery, EYFS or KS1?
Are your reception students starting their “Dinosaurs & Fossils” topic?
Dan Tastic Education can bring dinosaurs to life!

Offering a Dinosaur Workshop which will bring history to life and spark a love for learning,
don’t miss your chance to book one of the most exciting education workshop facilitators in the UK!

Dinosaur Workshop & Wow Day
Topics Covered
How Long Ago
Life on Earth
Triassic, Jurassic, & Cretaceous Periods
Prehistoric Earth
How Big Were Dinosaurs?
Carnivores & Herbivores
Extinction V Evolution
Mary Anning
Paleontology Today

EYFS Friendly Sessions
Dinosaurs can surprisingly be quite a dry and boring topic!
We know that young ones don’t want to sit still for hours listening to long lists of big words & numbers!
Our Dinosaur Workshops include fossils to touch, games to play, videos to see and movement to help engage all of their senses and bring 65 million year old topic to life!

Interactive History & Storytelling
Pupils place themselves in the situations & minds of palaeontologists with teacher in role story telling, games to help different complex ideas come to life & a range of other methods enable us to keep young children interested, engaged and learning throughout the session!
Booking a Dinosaur Wow Day with Dan Tastic Education will bring fun and excitement into your class, leaving your students with a new reinvigorated love for education!

Dan Tastic Education Workshops & Wow Days are the perfect Topic Hook for Dinosaurs!
Using fossils, props, video presentations, games, teacher in role style activities & group discussions
we teach children all about Fairy Tales whilst also touching on topics and themes relating to
PSHE, Wellbeing, English, Maths, citizenship & inclusivity.
Our Workshops & Wow Days can be delivered right in the classroom, saving the hassle & cost of booking a coach. As we can split the day between a year group, key stage or even the entire school you will find that we are excellent value for money!
Click Here to book your own Dinosaur Workshop today!